Netpeak Checker: Limit error for Serpstat

Опубликовано 9 мес. назад по Valentyna Polishchuk

Valentyna Polishchuk
Valentyna Polishchuk Администратор

Some users are encountering a limit error with Serpstat in Checker. This issue originates from Serpstat and we are currently monitoring their progress in resolving it. 

Previously, we could send up to 100 domains per request, but this has now been reduced to 5 domains. Despite our timeouts being longer than necessary, the problem still occurs with a few specific parameters.

Currently, we are pushing Serpstat for a quick resolution. If they take too long to fix the bug, our interim solution will be to reduce the number of domains per request to 1 and increase the timeouts between requests. While this isn't a perfect solution, it might help mitigate the issue temporarily.

We will post all updates regarding this issue in this thread.

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Valentyna Polishchuk

Valentyna Polishchuk опубликовано 7 мес. назад Администратор

We are happy to announce that the issue has been fixed so everything should work now :)

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