Alternative ways to install Netpeak Software on macOS and Linux

Modified on Tue, 28 May 2024 at 06:33 PM

This manual describes possible software installing options on other platforms using external applications when you don’t have any opportunities to work on Windows. 

To start the programs you need to emulate Windows inside your operating system. We recommend using one of the following methods to complete this task:

  1. Installing Windows on macOS and Linux via VirtualBox.
  2. Installing Windows on macOS using ‘Parallels‘.
  3. Installing VPS and connecting on macOS.

After installing and starting Windows successfully using appropriate software,  follow the instructions described in the article to install Netpeak Software tools →  

1. Installing Windows on macOS and Linux via VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a free software developed by Oracle that allows starting a guest OS inside your general one.

1.1. Downloading and installing VirtualBox

You can download VirtualBox from the official website

1.2. Downloading and installing Windows

  1. After you installed VirtualBox, it is necessary to download the Windows 10 ISO file. You can do it using this link.
  2. As soon as the distribution is downloaded, open VirtualBox and choose ‘Create‘. 
  3. Choose ‘Guided Mode‘ and set the corresponding values:
  • Guest OS name;
  • A folder where all files will be located;
  • Type → Microsoft Windows;
  • Version → Windows 10 (32bit/64bit);
  • Memory size → at least 4 GB of RAM but it is recommended to set 8 GB.

Create virtual machine

5. Click ‘Create‘.

6. Then it will be suggested to set up a virtual disk size. Windows 10 requires at least 20 GB of space. To have fully fledged functionality we recommend you to set up 20 GB of free space. Thus, the minimum recommended memory capacity of the virtual hard disk is 40 GB. Click ‘Create‘ again to complete. 

7. Head to the ‘Storage‘ → ‘Optical Drive‘ and choose the downloaded ISO-file of Windows 10 as a disk image.

Choose disk image

8. Click ‘Start‘ and follow the Windows installer instructions.

As soon as the action is completed, you should have a Windows 10 guest operating system ran by VirtualBox. 

2. Installing Windows on macOS using ‘Parallels‘

Parallels is a simple and fast solution to run Windows applications on macOS without rebooting. 

For detailed instructions on how to install Windows 10 in Parallels, please visit the official website.

3. Installing VPS and connecting on macOS

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server and represents a service of renting a virtual dedicated server. With the help of this service, you can use a remote dedicated server operating on Windows.

This method is convenient in case your device doesn’t have enough resources for the stable work of a virtual machine.

Before buying a VPS keep in mind the recommended system specifications of Netpeak Software programs described in these articles:

You can use VPS on macOS with the Microsoft Remote Desktop tool, which is available free of charge from the AppStore.

1. To create a new connection click ‘New‘ and fill out the necessary fields in the pop-up window:

Connecting to vps on macOS

2. Click ‘Start‘ after creating a connection.

3. Enter your credentials to connect to a remote server:

Create your user account

Done! Now you can use Netpeak Software tools on Windows via the remote server.

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