What parameters does Netpeak Checker check

Modified on Mon, 9 Oct, 2023 at 7:39 PM

Using Netpeak Checker you can check the following SEO parameters:

Parameters Data Type Description
[Mode: URL]
Status Code Text Part of the first line of HTTP response headers: contains status code number and description. If necessary, special status codes are added to this field after '&' symbol showing indexing instructions (Disallowed, Canonicalized, Refresh Redirected, and Noindex / Nofollow).
Content-Type Text Value for this field is taken from content of the 'Content-Type' field in HTTP response headers or the <meta http-equiv="content-type"> tag in <head> section. Indicates the type of the returned content. For example, text/html, image/png, application/pdf, etc.
Response Time Number Time (in milliseconds) taken to receive the first byte from a website server (thus called Time To First Byte, TTFB).
Content Download Time Number Time (in milliseconds) taken by a website server to return an HTML code of a target page.
Title Text Content of the <title> tag in <head> section of the target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
Title Length Number Number of characters (including spaces) in the <title> tag of the target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
Description Text Content of the <meta name="description" /> tag in <head> section of a target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
Description Length Number Number of characters (including spaces) in the <meta name="description" /> tag of a target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
Allowed in robots.txt True / False Accessibility of URL by robots.txt file if it exists. TRUE means that URL is allowed to be indexed. FALSE – disallowed in robots.txt file.
Meta Robots Text Content of the <meta name="robots" /> tag in <head> section of the target page.
Canonical URL Text Content of the Canonical directive in HTTP response header or the <link rel="canonical" /> tag in <head> section of a target page.
Redirects Number Number of redirects from the current URL: can be useful to determine chains of redirects.
Target Redirect URL Text Target URL of single redirect or redirect chain if it exists.
Redirect Chain Text Indicates a series of redirects from the current URL to redirect target URL.
Outgoing Links Number Number of links (both external and internal) from current page. Only AHREF links (regular ones) and IMG AHREF links (from images) without nofollow attribute are considered.
Internal Links Number Number of links from the current page to other pages of the analyzed website. Only AHREF links (regular ones) and IMG AHREF links (from images) without nofollow attribute and also CANONICAL (from the Canonical directive) are considered.
External Links Number Number of links from the current page to other websites. Only AHREF links (regular ones) and IMG AHREF links (from images) without nofollow attribute and also CANONICAL (from the Canonical directive) are considered.
Images Number Number of images found in <img> tags on a target page.
H1 Content Text Content of the <h1> tag of a target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
H1 Length Number Number of characters (including spaces) in the <h1> tag of a target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
H1 Headings Number Number of <h1> headings on a target URL.
H2 Headings Number Number of <h2> headings on a target URL.
H3 Headings Number Number of <h3> headings on a target URL.
H4 Headings Number Number of <h4> headings on a target URL.
H5 Headings Number Number of <h5> headings on a target URL.
H6 Headings Number Number of <h6> headings on a target URL.
HTML Size Number Number of characters in the <html> section of the target page including HTML tags.
Content Size Number Number of characters (including spaces) in the <body> section of a document excluding HTML tags. To put it simply, the size of text on a page including spaces.
Text/HTML Ratio Relative indicator Ratio of the text content ('Content Size' parameter) to entire content ('HTML Size' parameter) on the target.
Characters Number Number of characters (excluding spaces) in the <body> section of a target page excluding HTML tags. To put it simply, it's the size of text on a page excluding spaces.
Words Number Number of words in the <body> section of a target page.
Characters in

Number Number of characters (excluding spaces) in <p></p> tags in the <body> section of the target page.
Words in

Number Number of words in <p></p> tags in the <body> section of the target page.
X-Robots-Tag Text Content of the 'X-Robots-Tag' field in HTTP response header. It contains indexing instructions and is equivalent to the Meta Robots tag in the <head> section.
Refresh Text Content of the Refresh directive in HTTP response header or <meta http-equiv="refresh"> tag in <head> section of the target page.
Hreflang: Number of Tags Number Indicates the number of <link> tags with hreflang attribute found on the target page.
Hreflang Text Value of the hreflang attributes of <link> tag in the <head> section of the target page.
Keywords Text Content of the <meta name="keywords" /> tag in <head> section of the target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
Keywords Length Number Number of characters (including spaces) in the <meta name="keywords" /> tag on the target page. The first non-empty tag is considered.
Rel Next URL Text Content of the <link rel="next" /> tag in the <head> section of the target page.
Rel Prev URL Text Content of the <link rel="prev" /> tag in the <head> section of the target page.
Content-Length Number Content of the 'Content-Length' field in HTTP response headers: indicates the length of the request body in octets (8-bit bytes).
Content-Encoding Text Content of the 'Content-Encoding' field in HTTP response headers. Indicates encoding applied to a document.
Last-Modified Date and time Content of the 'Last-Modified' field in HTTP response headers: indicates file's last modification date and time. This value is displayed in your local time.
Facebook: Number of Links Number Indicates the number of unique links to LinkedIn from the target page.
Facebook: Links Text List of unique links to LinkedIn found on the target page.
Twitter: Number of Links Number Indicates the number of unique links to Twitter from the target page.
Twitter: Links Text List of unique links to Twitter found on the target page.
YouTube: Number of Links Number Indicates the number of unique links to YouTube from the target page.
YouTube: Links Text List of unique links to YouTube found on the target page.
LinkedIn: Number of Links Number Indicates the number of unique links to LinkedIn from the target page.
LinkedIn: Links Text List of unique links to LinkedIn found on the target page.
Instagram: Number of Links Number Indicates the number of unique links to Instagram from the target page.
Instagram: Links Text List of unique links to Instagram found on the target page.
Pinterest: Number of Links Number Indicates the number of unique links to Pinterest from the target page.
Pinterest: Links Text List of unique links to Pinterest found on the target page.
Number of Emails Number The number of unique email addresses found on the target page.
Emails Text The list of unique email addresses found on a target page.
Phone Numbers Count Number The number of unique phone numbers found on the target page.
Phone Numbers Text The list of unique phone numbers found on the target page.
Language Text Indicates language of the target page in ISO 639-1 format. Language detection algorithm is based on using n-grams and works more precisely with big texts.
[Mode: Root Domain]
Available search engine databases:
  • Google → Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, South Africa, Netherlands, Brazil, Israel, Denmark, Turkey, Sweden, Czechia, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Norway, Finland, Greece, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Ireland, Switzerland, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Slovenia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Chile, India, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Georgia, Argentina, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, Colombia, Philippines, Japan, Taiwan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Peru, Croatia, Serbia, Moldova, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Bolivia, Uruguay, Tunisia, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Iceland, Macedonia (FYROM), Armenia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Brunei, Panama, El Salvador, Paraguay, Honduras, Kenya, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, Jordan, Mauritius, Reunion, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Iraq, Palestine, Ghana, Malta, Albania, Qatar, Cyprus, Lebanon, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Luxembourg, Cote d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Kuwait, Oman, Senegal, Angola, Montenegro, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Yemen, Cambodia, Bahrain, Tanzania, Mozambique, New Caledonia, Libya, Mongolia, Ethiopia, Zambia, Namibia, French Polynesia, French Guiana, Haiti, Guyana, Fiji, Belize, Botswana, The Bahamas, Gabon, DR Congo, Maldives, Mayotte, Suriname, Cape Verde, Guam, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Andorra, Rwanda, Laos, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Burkina Faso, Aruba, Tajikistan, Grenada, Djibouti, Togo, Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mauritania, Monaco, Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cayman Islands, Bhutan, Seychelles, Mali, Faroe Islands, US Virgin Islands, Gibraltar, Niger, Equatorial Guinea, Anguilla, British territory, British Virgin Islands, Chad, Cook Islands, Dominica, Federated States of Micronesia, The Gambia, Guernsey, Jersey, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Montserrat, Niue, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands, San Marino, Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, American Samoa, Burundi, Central African Republic, Isle of Man, Lesotho, Nauru, Samoa, Somalia, Tonga, Uganda, Vanuatu, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Greenland, Barbados, Timor-Leste, China, Guinea-Bissau, Comoros, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Swaziland, Tuvalu, Turkmenistan, Eritrea, Vatican City, Macau, Christmas Island, Bermuda, Saint Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Northern Mariana Islands, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, Myanmar (Burma), Curacao
Visibility Relative indicator Relative score that indicates how often the domain is shown in search results for the keywords domain is ranking for according to Serpstat. The higher visibility of a domain is, the higher number of visitors it's likely to receive.
SE Traffic Number Organic traffic per month from the chosen search engine according to Serpstat.
Ads Number Number of ads the target has in paid search results according to Serpstat.
Keywords in PPC Number Number of keywords the domain bids on in paid search results (depending on the chosen search engine) according to Serpstat.
Top 100: Number of Keywords Number The number of keywords the domain ranks for in top 100 organic search results of the selected search database according to Serpstat.
1-10 positions: Number of Keywords Number The number of keywords the domain ranks for on positions 1-10 in organic search results of the selected search database according to Serpstat.
11-20 positions: Number of Keywords Number The number of keywords the domain ranks for on positions 11-20 in organic search results of the selected search database according to Serpstat.
21-50 positions: Number of Keywords Number The number of keywords the domain ranks for on positions 21-50 in organic search results of the selected search database according to Serpstat.
51-100 positions: Number of Keywords Number The number of keywords the domain ranks for on positions 51-100 in organic search results of the selected search database according to Serpstat.
[Mode: Host]
Global Rank Number Global website rank according to SimilarWeb. It is based on the number of monthly unique visitors and the number of page views across desktop and mobile traffic.
Category Text The category that best matches the website according to SimilarWeb. The categorization algorithm is able to classify an unknown website as one of 25 main categories and 219 subcategories.
Category Rank Number Rank in the category that best matches the website according to SimilarWeb.
Avg. Visit Duration Number Average amount of time (in seconds) visitors spend on a website within a session according to SimilarWeb.
Pages per Visit Relative indicator Average number of pages visitors view on a site within a session according to SimilarWeb.
Bounce Rate Relative indicator The percentage of visitors who enter a site and then leave after visiting one page according to SimilarWeb.
Total Visits Number The sum of all visits to the analyzed website according to SimilarWeb.
Direct Traffic Number The number of direct site visits per month according to SimilarWeb. Traffic sent from users via: URLs entered directly into a browser, saved bookmarks or any links from outside the browser according to SimilarWeb.
Referral Traffic Number Monthly traffic sent via links from other domains that are not otherwise classified (mail, social, display, search) according to SimilarWeb.
Organic Search Traffic Number Monthly organic traffic from different search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) according to SimilarWeb.
Paid Search Traffic Number Monthly paid traffic from different search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) according to SimilarWeb.
Social Traffic Number Monthly traffic sent from social media sites (Facebook, Reddit, etc.) according to SimilarWeb.
Mail Traffic Number Monthly traffic sent from web-based mail clients according to SimilarWeb.
Display Ads Traffic Number Monthly traffic reaching the analyzed website from display ads through an ad network, excluding direct media buying traffic according to SimilarWeb.
[Modes: Root Domain, Subdomain, URL]
Domain Authority Relative indicator
Score that indicates how the website will be ranked by search engines according to Moz.
• Root Domain parameter
Linking C Blocks Relative indicator
Number of links from the same C class subnet IP addresses to the target domain according to Moz.
• Root Domain parameter
Links Number Number of links (equity or nonequity, internal or external) to the target URL according to Moz.
External Links Number Number of external links to the target URL, including nofollowed links according to Moz.
External Equity-Passing Links Number Number of external links that pass link authority to the target URL according to Moz.
Root Domains Linking Number Number of root domains with any pages linking to the target URL according to Moz.
Root Domain Text
Root domain of the target (e.g., example.com) according to Moz.
• Root Domain parameter
MozRank Relative indicator The raw score indicates popularity of the target URL according to Moz. Note that while the data on this parameter is still presented, the service no longer updates it.
MozTrust Relative indicator The score (measured from 0 to 10) indicates trust of the target URL according to Moz. Note that while the data on this parameter is still presented, the service no longer updates it.
External MozRank Relative indicator The MozRank score of the target URL derived solely for the external links in the normalized 10-point score according to Moz. Note that while the data on this parameter is still presented, the service no longer updates it.
Combined MozRank Relative indicator The combined score (measured from 0 to 10) indicates popularity of links on the target URL according to Moz. Note that while the data on this parameter is still presented, the service no longer updates it.
MozRank Raw Relative indicator Raw score to indicate popularity of the target URL according to Moz.
MozTrust Raw Relative indicato The raw score indicates trust of the target URL according to Moz. Note that while the data on this parameter is still presented, the service no longer updates it.
External MozRank Raw Relative indicator The MozRank score of the target URL derived solely for the external links in the raw score according to Moz. Note that while the data on this parameter is still presented, the service no longer updates it.
Combined MozRank Raw Relative indicator The combined raw score indicates popularity of all links on the target URL according to Moz. Note that while the data on this parameter is still presented, the service no longer updates it.
Spam Score Number
Metric that indicates how likely a website is to be penalized by the search engines as a site that provides low value to searchers, as measured by the ratios of content to code, content to external links, external links to internal links and several other factors according to Moz.
• Subdomain parameter
Subdomain Text
Subdomain of the target (e.g., blog.example.com) according to Moz.
• Subdomain parameter
Page Authority Relative indicator
Score that indicates how the page will rank on search engines according to Moz.
• URL parameter
Equity-Passing Links Number
Number of internal and external links that pass link authority to the target according to Moz.
• URL parameter
Subdomains Linking Number Number of subdomains with any pages linking to the target URL (mode: {{targetForMode}}) according to Moz.
Status Code Number
HTTP status code recorded by Mozscape for the target URL, if available.
• URL parameter
Canonical URL Text
Сanonical form of the URL according to Moz.
• URL parameter
Title Text
Title of the page (if available) according to Moz.
• URL parameter
Time Last Crawled Date and time
Date and time on which Mozscape last crawled the target.
• URL parameter
[Modes: Subdomains, Host, Prefix, URL]
Backlinks Number Number of external backlinks that link to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Referring Domains Number Number of domains containing at least one backlink to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Referring Pages Number Number of external web pages containing at least one backlink to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Referring IPs Number Number of distinct IP addresses under a single network that link to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Referring Subnets Number Number of referring class C networks that link to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Dofollow Backlinks Number Number of dofollow backlinks that link to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Nofollow Backlinks Number Number of nofollow backlinks that link to the target according to Ahrefs.
Text Backlinks Number Number of backlinks to the target that use anchor texts according to Ahrefs.
Image Backlinks Number Number of backlinks to the target URL that use image as an anchor according to Ahrefs.
Redirects Number Number of redirects found that forward to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Canonical Backlinks Number Number of canonical backlinks that link to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Gov Backlinks Number Number of backlinks of all types (including images and nofollow) found on web pages on governmental domains that link to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Edu Backlinks Number Number of backlinks of all types (including images and nofollow) found on web pages on educational domains that link to the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Pages Number Number of unique pages visited by the Ahrefs crawler on the target URL.
Internal Links Number Number of internal links from the target URL according to Ahrefs.
External Links Number Number of external links from the target URL according to Ahrefs.
HTML Pages Number Number of HTML pages the target URL has according to Ahrefs.
Linked Root Domains Number Number of internal or external domains that are linked from the target URL according to Ahrefs.
Rank Number
Rank of the target host based on the size and quality of its backlink profile according to Ahrefs. The website with the strongest backlink profile is ranked #1.
• Host parameter
Domain Rating Number
Rank of the domain according to Ahrefs.
• Host parameter
URL Rating Number
Rank of the target URL according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
Status Code Number
HTTP status code that was last returned to the Ahrefs crawler.
• URL parameter
Internal Links Number
Number of internal links found on the crawled page according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
External Links Number
Number of external links found on the crawled page according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
Title Text
Title of the crawled page according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
Traffic Value Number
The equivalent value of the organic search traffic to the target URL, should that traffic have been acquired via PPC according to Ahrefs.
Traffic Value Top 3 Number
The equivalent value of the top 3 organic search traffic to the target URL, should that traffic have been acquired via PPC according to Ahrefs.
Traffic Value Top 10 Number
The equivalent value of the top 10 organic search traffic to the target URL, should that traffic have been acquired via PPC according to Ahrefs.
Organic Keywords Number
The total number of keywords that the target URL ranks for in the top 100 organic search results across all countries according to Ahrefs. When the website or URL is ranking for a keyword in two countries, it will be counted twice.
Organic Keywords Top 3 Number
The total number of keywords that the target URL ranks for in the top 3 organic search results across all countries according to Ahrefs. When the website or URL is ranking for a keyword in two countries, it will be counted twice.
Organic Keywords Top 10 Number
The total number of keywords that the target URL ranks for in the top 10 organic search results across all countries according to Ahrefs. When the website or URL is ranking for a keyword in two countries, it will be counted twice.
Organic Traffic Number
Estimation of the total monthly search traffic to the target URL from the top 100 organic search results. It is calculated as the sum of traffic from all organic keywords for which the target URL ranks across all countries according to Ahrefs.
Organic Traffic Top 3 Number
Estimation of the total monthly search traffic to the target URL from the top 3 organic search results. It is calculated as the sum of traffic from all organic keywords for which the target URL ranks across all countries according to Ahrefs.
Organic Traffic Top 10 Number
Estimation of the total monthly search traffic to the target URL from the top 10 organic search results. It is calculated as the sum of traffic from all organic keywords for which the target URL ranks across all countries according to Ahrefs.
Page Size Number
Size of the crawled page in bytes according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
Page Encoding Text
Character encoding of the page (e.g. 'UTF8') according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
Page Content Encoding Text
Type of encoding used to compress the page data (e.g. 'gzip' or 'deflate') according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
Redirect URL Text
URL where the target redirects to according to Ahrefs.
• URL parameter
Last Visited Date and time
Most recent date when the Ahrefs crawler visited the target.
• URL parameter
[Modes: Root Domain, Host, URL]
External Backlinks on IP Number
Number of external backlinks pointing to all domains hosted on IP address of the target root domain according to Majestic.
• Root Domain parameter
Referring Domains on IP Number
Number of referring domains pointing to all domains hosted on IP address of the target root domain according to Majestic.
• Root Domain parameter
Total Domains on IP Number
Number of domains hosted on IP address of the target root domain according to Majestic.
• Root Domain parameter
External Backlinks on Subnet Number
Number of external backlinks pointing to all domains hosted on subnet of the target root domain according to Majestic.
• Root Domain parameter
Referring Domains on Subnet Number
Number of referring domains pointing to all domains hosted on subnet of the target root domain according to Majestic.
• Root Domain parameter
Total Domains on Subnet Number
Number of domains hosted on subnet of the target root domain according to Majestic.
• Root Domain parameter
Trust Flow Number One of the Majestic Flow Metrics calculated according to the number of clicks from a seed set of trusted sites to the target URL.
Citation Flow Number One of the Majestic Flow Metrics calculated according to the number of websites linking to the target URL.
External Backlinks Number Number of external backlinks to the target URL according to Majestic.
Referring Domains Number Number of domains containing at least one link referring to the target URL according to Majestic.
Referring IPs Number Number of IP addresses referring to the target URL according to Majestic.
Referring Subnets Number Number of subnets referring to the target URL according to Majestic.
Edu Referring Domains Number Number of educational domains containing at least one link referring to the target URL according to Majestic.
Edu External Backlinks Number Number of external backlinks found on web pages on educational domains that link to the target URL according to Majestic.
Edu Referring Domains Exact Number Number of educational domains with exact .edu top-level domains (excluding any regional versions) referring to the target URL according to Majestic.
Edu External Backlinks Exact Number Number of external backlinks found on web pages on educational domains with exact .edu top-level domains (excluding any regional versions) that link to the target URL according to Majestic.
Gov Referring Domains Number Number of governmental domains containing at least one link referring to the target URL according to Majestic.
Gov External Backlinks Number Number of external backlinks found on web pages on governmental domains with exact .gov/.mil top-level domains (excluding any regional versions) that link to the target URL according to Majestic.
Gov Referring Domains Exact Number Number of governmental domains with exact .gov/.mil top-level domains (excluding any regional versions) referring to the target URL according to Majestic.
Gov External Backlinks Exact Number Number of external backlinks found on web pages on governmental domains with exact .gov/.mil top-level domains (excluding any regional versions) that link to the target URL according to Majestic.
External Domains Number Number of external domains the target URL links out to according to Majestic.
External Links Number Number of external links the target URL links out to according to Majestic.
Internal Links Number Number of internal links the target URL links out to according to Majestic.
Status Text
Status of the target in Majestic index:
  1. Found – this item is present in index and can be analyzed.
  2. NotFound – this item is definitely not present in index yet.
  3. MayExist – indicates the URLs that have very few external backlinks, usually less than 20.
Type Text
Type of the target URL (root domain, subdomain or URL) according to Majestic.
• Host parameter
Indexed URLs Number
Number of target's URLs present in Majestic index.
• Host parameter
Topical Trust Flow Category Text
Category for which the Trust Flow of the target host is the highest according to Majestic.
• Host parameter
Topical Trust Flow Number
Score between 0-100 showing the Trust Flow for the main category according to Majestic.
• Host parameter
Crawled True / False
Indicates whether the target URL has been crawled by Majestic.
• URL parameter
Last Crawled Date and time
Most recent date when the page was crawled by Majestic.
• URL parameter
Last Crawl Result Text
Result of the target last crawl by Majestic, usually self-explanatory phrase.
• URL parameter
Title Text
Title of the target page according to Majestic.
• URL parameter
Redirect True / False
Indicates whether the target is returning redirect according to Majestic.
• URL parameter
Redirect URL Text
URL where the target page redirects to according to Majestic.
• URL parameter
Redirect Result Text
Indicates the result of crawling of the URL redirect target according to Majestic.
• URL parameter
[Mode: Root Domain, Host, URL]
Available search engine databases:
  • Google Desktop → United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Singapore, Turkey, Japan, India, Hungary, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, DR Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Libya
  • Google Mobile → United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Denmark, Mexico, Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey, India, Indonesia, Israel
Authority Score Number Authority Score measures the importance of the target URL using a 100-point scale (from 0 to 100) and is based on the quantity of backlinks, reffering domains, organic search traffic, and other data according to SEMrush. The higher the score, the higher the quality of the target URL.
Total Backlinks Number The number of external backlinks that link to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Referring Domains Number The number of domains containing at least one backlink to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Referring IPs Number The number of IP addresses referring to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Follow Links Number The number of dofollow backlinks that link to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Nofollow Links Number The number of nofollow backlinks that link to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Form Links Number The number of backlinks from HTML forms that link to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Frame Links Number The number of backlinks from HTML frames that link to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Image Links Number The number of backlinks from images that link to the target URL according to SEMrush.
Rank Number
Domain position in domains ranking based on their organic search traffic value according to SEMrush.
• Host parameter
Organic Traffic Number
Number of users expected to visit the website in the following month on condition that average monthly organic traffic stays relatively the same according to SEMrush.
• Host parameter
Organic Keywords Number
Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's top 100 organic search results according to SEMrush.
• Host parameter
Organic Traffic Cost Number Estimated price of organic keywords according to SEMrush.
Paid Search Traffic Number
Number of users expected to visit the website in the following month on condition that average monthly paid traffic stays relatively the same according to SEMrush.
• Host parameter
Paid Search Keywords Number
Number of keywords bringing users to the website via Google's paid search results according to SEMrush.
• Host parameter
Paid Search Traffic Cost Number Estimation on the domain’s Google AdWords budget (monthly estimation) according to SEMrush.
Google SERP
[Modes: Host, URL]
Indexation True / False Indicates whether the target URL is indexed by Google.
Cache True / False Indicates whether the target URL is cached by Google.
Cache Date and Time Date and time Date and time when the target URL was last cached by Google.
Title Text
Title of the target displayed in Google SERP.
• URL parameter
Description Text
Description of the target displayed in Google SERP.
• URL parameter
[Modes: Host, URL]
Indexed URLs Number
Number of website pages indexed by Bing. Retrieved by making [site:hostname] search query to Bing.
• Host parameter
Indexation True / False Indicates whether the target URL is indexed by Bing.
Merge True / False Indicates whether the target URL is merged with another URL according to Bing.
Merged URL Text Indicates URL the target URL is merged with according to Bing.
Title Text
Title of the target displayed in Bing SERP.
• URL parameter
Description Text
Description of the target displayed in Bing SERP.
• URL parameter
Yahoo SERP
[Modes: Host, URL]
Indexed URLs Number
Number of website pages indexed by Yahoo. Retrieved by [site:hostname] search query to Yahoo.
• Host parameter
Indexation True / False Indicates whether the target URL is indexed by Yahoo.
Merge True / False Indicates whether the target URL is merged with another URL according to Yahoo.
Merged URL Text Indicates URL the target URL is merged with according to Yahoo.
Title Text
Title of the target displayed in Yahoo SERP.
• URL parameter
Description Text
Description of the target displayed in Yahoo SERP.
• URL parameter
[Mode: Host]
IP Text IP address of the host.
Country Text Country of the host defined by MaxMind database.
Country ISO Code Text Country ISO Code of the host defined by MaxMind database.
Continent Text Continent of the host defined by MaxMind database.
[Mode: Root Domain]
Creation Date Date and time Date and time when the domain was created according to whois protocol.
Expiration Date Date and time Date and time when the domain expires according to whois protocol.
Availability True / False Indicates whether the target domain is available for purchase according to whois protocol.
Emails Text List of unique email addresses retrieved by sending whois query.
Root Domain Text Root domain of the target (e.g., example.com) according to whois protocol.
Wayback Machine
[Mode: Host, URL]
Indexed URLs Number
Number of website HTML pages indexed by Wayback Machine.
• Host parameter
Indexation True / False
Indicates whether the target page is indexed by Wayback Machine.
• URL parameter
First Crawled Date and time
Date when the target was first crawled by the Wayback Machine.
• URL parameter
Last Crawled Date and time
Date when the target was last crawled by the Wayback Machine.
• URL parameter
Last Captured URL Text
Last copy of the page that was captured by the Wayback Machine.
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Reactions Number The number of reactions of the page via Facebook. The list of possible reactions: Like, Love, Wow, Haha, Sad, Angry.
Comments Number Number of comments to the page shared via Facebook.
Shares Number Number of shares of the page via Facebook.
Comments via Plugin Number The number of comments on the page left via Facebook Comments Plugin.
Open Graph Title Text Title of the page according to Facebook.
Open Graph Description Text Description of the page according to Facebook.
Open Graph Updated Time Date and time Time and date when the page was last indexed by Facebook.
[Mode: URL]
Pins Number Number of times the target was pinned via Pinterest.
Google PageSpeed Insights
[Mode: URL]
Mobile Score Relative indicator The score summarizing the page’s performance on a mobile device. A score of 90 or above is considered fast, and 50 to 90 is considered average. Below 50 is considered to be slow.
Mobile First Contentful Paint Number The time between navigation and the time at which the first text or image is painted on mobile device.
Mobile First Meaningful Paint Number The time when the primary page content is visible on a mobile device.
Mobile Time to Interactive Number The amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive on a mobile device.
Desktop Score Relative indicator The score summarizing the page’s performance on a desktop device. A score of 90 or above is considered fast, and 50 to 90 is considered average. Below 50 is considered to be slow.
Desktop First Contentful Paint Number The time between navigation and the time at which the first text or image is painted on a desktop device.
Desktop First Meaningful Paint Number The time when the primary page content is visible on a desktop device.
Desktop Time to Interactive Number The amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive on a desktop device.
Google Mobile-Friendly Test
[Mode: URL]
Is Mobile-Friendly True / False The Google Mobile-Friendly Test verdict, whether the page is mobile friendly or not. TRUE means that page content is mobile friendly. FALSE – page content isn't mobile friendly. To get more information on why the URL got the 'FALSE' value, in the context menu click 'Open URL in service' → 'Google Mobile-Friendly Test'.
Google Safe Browsing
[Mode: URL]
Is Safe True / False The Google Safe Browsing verdict, whether the page is safe to visit or not. TRUE means the page is safe and is not in the Google's lists of unsafe web resources. FALSE means it's unsafe. To get more information on why the URL got the 'FALSE' value, in the context menu click 'Open URL in service' → 'Google Safe Browsing'.

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